Saturday, August 27, 2016

Introduction to a Cotton Headed Ninny Muggins

Hey! My name is Chris Dillahunty, and I'm a senior here at the University of Oklahoma. I am originally from the small town of Mangum, OK. Don't be ashamed if you have no clue where that may be or have never even heard of it before. Believe me, you're not alone. My major is biology, and I hope to one day dig around in peoples' mouths for a living. As you may or may not have gathered from my blog's title, I'm a bit of a nerd. I wholly enjoy every minute of Game of Thrones (yes, even the Arya storyline), and am in the middle of reading the books now. I'm usually opposed to watching a show/movie regarding a book I intend to read before reading said book, but there are just some things that you have to make exceptions for. I am currently a server in a restaurant here in Norman. I laugh at jokes that aren't that funny. Most of my attempts at humor are sub par, and I regularly hear "It's not a good joke if you have to explain it." My hobbies are somewhat typical of a soon-to-be twenty two year old man. I spend a lot of my weekend nights during the school year at Seven 47, although I recommend Logies if you're ever up during the summer and are looking for a good time. Hiking is one of my favorite things to do outside. The physical challenge is a large part of the reason I love it, but the beautiful views, feeling of freedom, and general lack of cell service are nice as well. I consider myself pretty well-versed in most things music. Growing up, I listened to a blend of music from Billy Joel to Barenaked Ladies, the good ol' non-pop country, and most things R&B.

Image result for elf movie
The original cotton headed ninny muggins. Source: YouTube


  1. Ahhhh, Chris, yes, Game of Thrones! That has been a big boost for this class, with all those dragons and assorted mythological-energy. Hiking and the beauty of the outdoors is probably a more likely pairing with Game of Thrones than dentistry... but all things are possible in the world of storytelling mash-ups. Or stories about elves done in Game-of-Thrones style: that could be something! And Fall semester means that a Christmas class project would fit right in... Anyway, I hope you will enjoy the class! And you should be getting comments here next week when you have those reading-story posts ready to go.

  2. What's up broseph? I bet you don't know as much as me about GoT, so I challenge you to a GoT off anytime anywhere. Just to those reading this comment other than Chris, we are roommates so I can make this challenge. You need to stay away from seven 47 brother. Colorado next semester hiking times are going to be sweet. But you need to run some marathons or half-marathons to get yourself up to my par. See you later buddy.

  3. Hi Chris!

    I absolutely love Game of Thrones! This past season finale was so crazy. I won't say anything just in case there are any stragglers that haven't seen season 6 yet. I'll just say that at the end of season 5, my friends and I all had theories about Jon Snow and seeing them play out in the season 6 finale was the best. Can't wait to see if you incorporate any of that in your stories!

  4. Hi Chris! I am not a watcher of Game of Thrones, but my brother is obsessed and gets mad at me every time I see him because he wants to talk to me about it and I get too confused. I love hiking and the outdoors too, especially if that means I get to take my dogs with me. I look forward to reading your stories this week and in the weeks to come.

  5. Hi Chris!
    Your introduction cracked me up. That’s awesome that you are going to be a dentist! I definitely second the recommendation for Logies. Sometimes it gets a little scary in there, but you have to try and go. Awesome music choices too! Can’t wait to read more of your work this semester!

  6. Haha your title makes me really happy. Also, I enjoyed your humor throughout the rest of your introduction (no need to explain it!). LOL at looking in peoples’ mouths for a living. Also, hiking is great! I’m glad that you appreciate the lack of cell-service part of it. Good luck with scary, real world senior life decisions you’ll be making this year!

  7. Hi Chris! I love Elf so I was immediately interested to read your introduction after I saw the title of the post. I am the same way – if there is a movie adaptation of a book or series, I absolutely have to read that book or series before watching the movie adaptation. Anyways, I am glad I got to read a little bit about you and am looking forward to reading more of your posts!

  8. Hi Chris, I have been trying to jump onto the Game of Thrones bandwagon, but I just can not get interested. I think it is awesome that you are wanting to be a dentist. It is a profession that I feel that it is essential to have a sense of humor and be able to connect with your patients. You know I think you and I had a physics lab together a while ago.

  9. Hi, Chris!

    The way you worded your future career was interesting. I am assuming that you want to be a dentist. I have been hiking one time. You did a great job describing hiking, and my experience was just that. It was my first time, so I did not know what to expect. I went with friends too, which made the experience better. We talked about different things and had a great experience to talk about.

  10. Hey Chris!

    Your introduction cracked me up, especially the title. Im a huge game of thrones fan too, although I havent had time to try and read the books yet. But typically I'm the same way where I need to read the book before I go see the movie. Im glad I got to get to know you better and goodluck with Dentistry!

  11. Hi Chris!
    I like you humor in your introduction. Is it great to be a senior now (although you still have post-graduate courses for your intended career)? Are you planning to be a dentist or dental hygienist? I hope you have an interesting senior year. I have heard of Game of Thrones, but I have never watched it. Maybe I should try it out.

  12. Chris,
    Nice to meet you! You nailed it with Game of Thrones, the Arya storyline is a bit slow, but it is one heck of a show. I have heard good things about the books, and I have been told that the TV show changes some key details here and there. I think your joking is a good indication that you just want to make people laugh however you can, and I am the same way. I also tend to explain jokes frequently. I also enjoy hiking, and am planning on being in the Wichitas this coming weekend. No cell service makes for a peaceful adventure. I look forward to reading your work this year.

  13. Hi Chris, I have to admit that I have no clue where Mangum is but it is nice to meet you. I am about to start Game of Thrones very soon because everyone keeps on telling me that I have to but I just can't get into it yet. I am going to give it another try since I am in a desperate need of finding a new TV show to watch that is actually good. I look forward to read your future posts.

  14. Hi Chris! I am also a senior at OU, but I am graduating in just one week! I am a little scared honestly. Are you wanting to be a dentist or an orthodontist? My sister and I used t listen to Billy Joel every Friday on the way to school when we were in High School! Anyways, I am glad I got to read a little bit about you and I hope you had a great semester!
