Monday, November 7, 2016

Growth Mindset: Growth Beyond School

While being in school I have really only ever focused on the part of my growth actually relating to school. I haven't taken the time to think about how I am growing as a person outside of the classroom. I have gone from an eighteen year old with culture shock to a twenty two year old man in the blink of an eye. I have grown in my faith to God, and in my maturity over the past four years. Now, as far as I've come, I also realize that I have a looong way to go. I don't believe we can ever really stop growing as a person if we work at it. I think this growth is what we call wisdom. The only way to achieve this wisdom is through the passing of time. This way we can look back to what we once were and see the progress which we have made.

Image result for Progress
Scrabble Progress

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