Monday, October 17, 2016

Famous Last Words: Home for the Hallowdays

Pumpkins: a Halloween tradition.  Source: Wikipedia
This weekend I was able to go home for the first time in a couple months since working and school often put a constraint on my ability to do so. Two of my younger cousins had birthdays in the same week and decided that they would like to have their party at my house because my mom loves to entertain and throw awesome parties for the kids. It surprises me how much spunk kids have at 7 and 9. They are constantly running, playing, going at full speed. It tires me out watching them and I'm only 22. After roasting hot dogs we put on a haunted hay ride for them and all of their friends. It's funny how brave those kids are after screaming at the top of their lungs moments earlier. After taking off our costumes and cooling down a little we built a fire and roasted s'mores for a bit. As much effort and as much as it tired me out it was all worth it when my cousins thanked me for a great party at the end of the night.

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