Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Reading Notes: Japanese Mythology Part B

Yamato is obviously a great hero and such, but unlike Heracles/Hercules I don't really understand why he's doing the labors. He begins by trying to win over a siren by finding a golden apple for her. However, when he fails to do that he seems to forget that and starts running around and doing other things. All the while, he leaves his poor wife to waste away in loneliness. Another classic example of someone chasing things they can't have while the things that they love suffer. This is a very common theme in stories from all over the world it seems. I may change things up and make a duo out of Yamato and Tacibana that do most of these labors, not because they want to win over a siren or anything like that, but because the king charged them with the responsibility because Yamato failed him in some way.

Yamato and the Fire.   Source: Mythology and Folklore

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