Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Week 8 Reflections

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I think that I've done a decent job picking stories to read so far. I've enjoyed nearly all of them, and my favorite so far has been 1001 nights. A look ahead makes me think I'll really enjoy stories from California and the Old Southwest. I've learned to manage everything over the course of the semester even though I got off to a rocky start.

In the writing I've done so far this semester, I've learned that it's rather easy to do mash-ups of stories you love and new stories. I believe that the practice is making me grow as a writer. There are many talented writers in this class. I've read a lot of their stories, and have enjoyed many of them thoroughly. Some have incorporated poetry into their stories, and some have had a tendency to twist their stories in ways I would have never imagined. A few of the writers seem to be a little repetitive at times, however, I probably am as well every now and then. I can criticize others' grammar much easier than I can my own. I think that I have been able to give useful constructive criticism in much of my feedback. I could probably make more suggestions in my feedback, but I don't want to seem too pushy.

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