Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Week 8 Growth Mindset

Throughout this class thus far, I have mainly focused on doing exactly what I can to get by. I admit, that's the entirely wrong way to go about it, and as I find myself doing more I can tell I am enjoying the class that much more. It's true that what you get is in direct correlation to what you put into most things in life.

I have always been one to try new things. I don't like staying in my comfort zone for too long, and will normally go out of my way to meet new people, see new places/things. Sometimes that comes with a cost, but for the most part it has led to positive experiences in my life. 

One of my weaknesses is my ability to take criticism. Like many I can sometimes get defensive of my actions or work and be reluctant to make the changes suggested, especially if they are suggested in a way I don't appreciate. I could definitely work on my openness to criticism for the rest of the semester. I believe that would help me far beyond the classroom.

Source: Relatably

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chris! To be completely honest, I actually had the same “getting by” mindset during the first couple weeks of this class. However, I realized that if I kept that mindset, it was going to make for a really long semester. I admire you for always wanting to try new things! A lot of people like to stay in their comfort zone, so I think it’s cool that you prefer not to.
